Posts by James G. Rickards
Here’s The List of Things Joe Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know
Events are moving so quickly in the Democratic Party that Joe Biden may be yesterday’s man by the time you read this. The Dems are in meltdown-panic mode after Biden’s cadaverous appearance and demented performance at the presidential debate on June 27th. Some Democrat members of the House of Representatives are openly calling on Biden…
Read MoreNigel Farage Is the Only UK Leader Speaking Honestly About Ukraine
The UK general election took place on July 4 even as Americans were celebrating their independence from the UK. The election was an enormous victory for Labour and the worst defeat for the Conservative Party (Tories) in their history. Labour received 34% of the vote and secured 412 seats (out of a total of 650…
Read MoreDebanking Takes Many Forms. Here’s The Latest One.
Debanking is the process by which a bank shuts down a customer’s account because the customer has conservative political views. Most people take banking for granted. They have checking and savings accounts, own some bank certificates of deposit (CDs), use credit cards for everyday purchases and debit cards to withdraw cash from ATMs. Customers also…
Read MoreTrump V. United States Gets It Right. Nixon Was Ahead of His Time.
On July 1, 2024, just a few days before the 248th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Supreme Court of the United States issued one of the most important decisions in the history of the court. The case is Trump v. United States (2024) , and the issue was whether a former president…
Read MoreThe Deep State Will Be Well and Truly Buried by This
So many important decisions were handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the last two weeks of June and early July that it was hard to keep track. The Supreme Court term begins on the first Monday in October and customarily runs until late June. This year, there were so many key cases that…
Read MoreGreen New Scam Is Dying
It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the Green New Scam. Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt American growth or simple greed because of their investments in Green New Scam…
Read MoreAfter Three Years of Failure, Biden’s Cabinet Officials Claim “Success”
“Well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” That was one of the great movie lines spoken by Chico Marx (dressed as Groucho Marx) to Margaret Dumont in the classic Marx Brothers’ film Duck Soup. It has been used as shorthand ever since to describe a situation in which the obvious is swept aside…
Read MoreBeing An Ideologue Is Easier with Other People’s Money
It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the green new scam. Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, a willful desire to hurt American growth, or simple greed because of their investments in green scam infrastructure varies case…
Read MoreSupreme Court Sides with The Censorship Gang. The Fight Is Not Over.
June normally marks the end of the annual Supreme Court term that begins on the first Monday of October each year (although this year, SCOTUS will have a few more decisions that go into the first week of July). It’s customary for the Supreme Court to release many of its more important decisions during the…
Read MoreNuclear War Is Much Closer Than You Think. Biden Keeps Pushing Us Closer.
The world is closer to nuclear war today than at any time since the early 1980s (Operation Able Archer 83) or perhaps the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The reason for this is NATO’s drive to destabilize the Russian Federation led by warmongers including Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Lindsey Graham. Despite some differences,…
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