Obama’s Fourth Term

Americans have just passed through the most eventful and tumultuous four weeks in memory. The only comparisons are 9/11, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Watergate/Vietnam days of the 1970s, the riots and assassinations in the 1960s and the Cuban Missile Crisis. First, we had Joe Biden’s face-plant debate performance on June…

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Another One Bites the Dust: Trump Case Is Dismissed.

They’re falling like dominos! I’m referring to the lawfare attack on Trump in the form of criminal and civil cases designed to bankrupt him, humiliate him and put him behind bars. The Democrats have nothing to offer the voters, so putting Trump on trial and trying to shut him up is all they have going. Here’s a…

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If You Don’t Like the Court, Get Rid of The Judges

As children, we probably all encountered at least one situation where someone was losing a board game (Risk was my favorite) and simply wiped the board clean with their arm throwing all the pieces onto the floor and stormed out of the room. That’s a clearcut example of immaturity, selfishness, and bad sportsmanship. Now, Joe…

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Democrats Throw Biden Under the Bus

The most widely discussed topic among Democrat insiders is neither the Republican convention nor the attempted assassination. It’s Biden’s collapse into senility and physical infirmity and the conflicting Democrat attempts to cover up the reality of Biden’s health that ultimately pushed him aside in favor of Kamala Harris. Let’s be blunt about Biden’s mental and…

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Here’s The Short List for Trump’s VP Pick… Maybe

With so much attention being paid to Biden’s mental and physical incapacity and the infighting among Democrats about whether Biden should stay or go and who would replace him if he quits the race, observers can be forgiven for losing sight of what’s going on in Republican circles. The Republican convention begins today and runs…

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