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Are Trump Haters Getting Tired of Being So Angry? Perhaps So.

Is it possible to hate Trump so much and persist in the so-called “resistance” so long that you actually wear yourself out? According to this report, the answer may well be “yes.”

The Trump hatred started almost exactly on the day he came down the escalator in the Trump Tower in 2015 to announce he was running for president. It persisted through the campaign season in 2015-2016, although it was leavened with a lot of ridicule because Trump haters also thought he was a buffoon who had no chance to win.

The ridicule disappeared and the hatred intensified after Trump won the election in 2016. At that point, it morphed in two directions that reinforced each other. One vector was the “resistance.” This included Deep State creatures, reporters, public figures and others who vowed to undermine Trump in every way possible (and they did).

The other vector was Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), which in my view will be recognized as a genuine mental illness by future generations of psychologists. Those with TDS (and there were tens of millions) filtered every headline, remark or policy through a prism of Trump hatred.

You knew these people when you saw them. There was no topic they could discuss without injecting Trump into the conversation. They were easily triggered by anything remotely related to Trump. And they wore masks.

OK, we get it. Yet, that all started nine years ago. The question is, how long can anyone maintain that level of vitriol in their system without injuring their physical and mental health? How long could you go on hating one individual without just breaking down and tiring of the whole thing?

The answer is, not forever. There are definite signs that the resistance is running out of steam. There is even more evidence that the level of hatred is diminishing, not because the haters like Trump, but because they just can’t maintain that energy level any longer. It really is bad for your health.

The irony is that Trump himself has not eased up one bit. He’s on a path to a likely election victory in November 2024.

The good news is that when Trump wins, he will have outlasted his most bitter opponents. That means he may be able to get more done and achieve more policy victories than in his first term.

For a guy who’s overweight and eats Big Macs, Trump has proven to have more resilience and energy that his most determined foes.

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