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Harris Gets Hard Question for a Change… And Flunks the Interview Test

Kamala Harris tried to run a version of Joe Biden’s 2020 Basement Strategy where she lays low, repeats platitudes and keeps away from the press. The idea was to fill the airways with talk of “joy” and “change” and not take any firm positions on anything.

This strategy reached one of its most ridiculous high points when she walked off a plane wearing earbuds and holding an iPhone as if to pretend she was engaged in a serious conversation as a way to avoid reporters’ shouted questions. The mockery of this stunt was so great that she never tried it again.

In any case, the Basement Strategy didn’t work. There was no COVID pandemic to give her the kind of cover that Biden had in 2020. Voters wanted answers, not platitudes.

Finally, her staff set up some interviews with lame sycophantic hosts like Howard Stern or friendly venues like The View and a female sex podcast named “Call Her Daddy.” Even with these friendly shows and softball questions (and the use of teleprompters), she could not give coherent answers.

Then her staff arranged an interview on 60 Minutes. That interview went so badly that the CBS producers used unethical cut-and-paste editing to take an answer from one question and use it as the answer to an entirely different question in an effort to make it sound like she knew what she was talking about. Even that effort failed, and its exposure erupted into a journalistic scandal that is now under investigation.

Her most recent interview with Bret Baier on Fox News was even worse. She showed up late, left early, had a nasty attitude and showed why 92% of her staff quit their jobs while she was vice president.

Harris’s trail of broken promises, failed initiatives, flip-flops and outright lies are covered in detail in this new column by Byron York. Harris’s dilemma is that she can’t duck the press because voters want to hear from her, but she can’t meet the press because she cannot speak coherently or think on her feet. Either way, it’s a major failure on her part and voters are starting to notice.

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