Ukraine Is Losing the War So Badly the Media Is Forced to Tell the Truth
There are two wars in Ukraine.
The first is the real war, which the Russians are winning decisively and that will result in the complete destruction of Ukraine if the dictator Zelensky doesn’t come to his senses and seek a peace treaty with Russia.
The second is the narrative war consisting of lies the western media have been telling their readers since 2022. In the narrative war, the Ukrainian invasion of Russian territory near Kursk is a turning point that will destabilize Putin and perhaps result in regime change.
The main battlefront in Ukraine is a stalemate that is draining Russian resources and hurting the Russian economy. It’s just a matter to time before wonder weapons like the newly arrived F-16s will turn the tide and let Ukraine take the offensive and even regain Crimea.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Kursk invasion is a death trap for the cream of the Ukrainian reserves and weapons systems. They are now being surrounded by Russian troops from inside Russia (not redeployed from the front lines) and will be annihilated beginning in October.
Russia is advancing on all other fronts and capturing major logistics hubs, highways and rail lines, not just “villages” as the western media would have it. The Russian way of war is methodical, relentless and deadly. It’s too bad western warmongers like Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken didn’t study some Russian history before they provoked this war.
As is always the case, the narrative may be persuasive in the beginning, but reality wins in the end. Things are so bad for the Ukrainians that even the western media are beginning to admit the truth.
This article from the Guardian says, “Russian forces are advancing faster in eastern Ukraine” and Moscow’s forces have begun to “smash through a major Ukrainian defensive line.” That’s actually accurate reporting based on what I’ve been able to learn from other consistently reliable sources.
It’s all leading up to something and that something is the complete defeat of Ukraine. That will be a shock to the American people, but it will come as no surprise to those who have discounted mainstream media and sought out more honest channels all along.
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