How Far Has Censorship Gone? Don’t Try Wearing A MAGA Hat At Citi Field!
We’ve all read about the full-scale censorship campaign being waged by the White House on free speech and independent thought. It starts at the highest levels with Facebook, Twitter (before Elon Musk bought it), Google search, YouTube and the rest of the Silicon Valley censorship flunkies. From there it permeates universities, high schools and even elementary schools where important subjects like history and mathematics are pushed aside in favor of DEI indoctrination.
Things are so bad that everyday Americans are afraid to discuss political topics in mixed company for fear of igniting a nervous breakdown by some sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome. One keeps searching for activities or locations where politics and thought control can be left at the door and one can just enjoy an activity for what it is without injecting it with some political slant.
It seemed for a while that sports might be such a venue. One could just root for the home team while visitors rooted for their team, and everyone kept it civil and had a good time. But even that’s not true anymore.
A New York Mets baseball fan recently went to a baseball game at Citi Field in Queens wearing a red MAGA hat. She was a member of the Queens Village Republican Club, so her choice of headgear was not unusual. Like it or not, she was entitled to wear whatever she wanted (barring any obscene content) under the First Amendment. (And don’t claim Citi Field is “private.” The Mets received hundreds of millions of dollars in government subsidies and tax abatements for its construction and maintenance).
Instead of enjoying the game, the fan was stopped at the gate and ordered by some neo-fascist wannabe to remove the hat. She was also told that she could not stow her hat in her handbag and had to walk back to the parking lot to put it in her car before being allowed entry.
The irony is that shortly after she was allowed into the ballgame (without the hat) the Mets played the Star-Spangled Banner with the lyrics, “The land of the free and the home of the brave.” Well, there was no freedom for the fan wearing her hat. And there was no bravery on the part of Mets management who acted like cowards.
The good news is, despite the government and corporate censorship, there is no shortage of people like the baseball fan in this story willing to stand up for her rights.
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