Did Zuckerberg Apologize? Or is He Just Getting Ready for a Trump Win?
Last week, the headlines were full of reports on a letter that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote to the House Judiciary Committee in which he detailed the extent of censorship exercised by the White House in 2020 and 2021 related to the 2020 presidential election and the COVID pandemic.
Zuckerberg described how the White House, FBI and Department of Homeland Security called Meta and insisted that they block or bury Facebook posts about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the fact that the COVID vaccines did not work. The White House also tried to bury social media posts about alternative (and highly effective) treatments for COVID including hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and cheap solutions such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, sunshine, exercise and fresh air.
Instead, the government insisted on lockdowns, masks and vaccine injections. The lockdowns had no chance of stopping the spread, a fact that has been widely known to scientists since 2006. Masks offered no protection at all. Five million Americans got COVID in December 2022 after being double-vaxxed and boosted, which proved the vaccines didn’t work.
Government (directed by medical criminal Anthony Fauci) destroyed the economy and ruined elementary school students for life by depriving them of almost two years of in-classroom education when there was practically zero risk on any young person getting COVID. Meta and Facebook aided and abetted this government censorship and fraud every step of the way.
So, did Zuckerberg finally apologize? Not really.
He acknowledged government pressure and expressed “regret that we were not more outspoken.” That’s not an apology. It doesn’t even connect the White House pressure with the censorship and treats the two as separate. The letter was clearly drafted by lawyers to mitigate Meta’s legal liability. There is nothing sincere about it.
And Zuckerberg does not deserve the benefit of a doubt because he and his wife spent over $200 million in the 2020 campaign supporting voting operations that existed only in heavily Democratic districts. So, it’s clear where his sympathies lie.
Let’s hope that if Trump wins the election, there will be some real accountability for Zuckerberg and his fellow Silicon Valley censors instead of just a mealy-mouthed lawyer’s letter.
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