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The Real Story Behind “Project 2025” And the Democrat Slime Machine

You’ve probably heard about “Project 2025.” If so, it has almost certainly been in a negative context thanks to Democratic propaganda. It’s time to set the record straight.

The actual name of Project 2025 is: Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise 2025. It’s a report published by the Heritage Foundation. They have had similar publications for prior elections including 2021 and going back to 1981. It’s a 900-page geek fest of technical policy papers covering a long list of Cabinet-level departments and independent agencies such as the Federal Reserve, the SEC, the intelligence community and others.

It’s not written entirely by the Heritage Foundation. Instead, they acted as a clearinghouse for input from hundreds of conservative sources and public intellectuals including the American Center for Law and Justice, the Claremont Institute, Ben Carson, Stephen Moore, and Peter Navarro.

The purpose of the report is to help a new Trump administration by recommending policies and people during the transition from election day to inauguration day and in the early years of the new administration. The report is not officially part of the Trump campaign and Trump has not endorsed it but it is a useful tool for a new president. Trump badly mishandled his transition in 2016, and it hindered his ability to govern during his entire first term.

Of course, the Democrats wasted no time in demonizing the contents of Project 2025. They went section by section to highlight policies their voters may not like. That’s easy to do when you have 900 pages of conservative thought to aim at. Then they went further by accusing Project 2025 of endorsing policies that were never once mentioned in the report such as cutting Social Security.

Lies and propaganda are what Democrats do best and Project 2025 has provided a fat target for those efforts. The Trump campaign has had to distance themselves somewhat from Project 2025 to avoid being tarred with the Democrat propaganda brush.

Once the election is over and if Trump wins, he will be able to return to the report for excellent policy ideas. The good news for now is that Heritage Foundation polling shows that most Americans actually support the ideas in the report by wide margins. This could be a case of another Democrat propaganda attack that ends up backfiring on the Democrats themselves.

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