Can You Be Arrested, Tried and Sentenced to Jail for a Tweet? Yes.
The UK is currently experiencing a wave of violence by protestors and counter-protestors involving objections to crimes committed by illegal immigrants and claims of racism by the immigrants themselves, who routinely flout UK law.
The new Labour government is coming down firmly on the side of Muslim activists and against the working-class native-born British protestors. The government is using as many surveillance and arrest tools as it can find to support the radical Islamists and fight their own middle class.
In the latest development, the Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales told police officers to monitor online communications, including social media, to identify those who support the working-class demonstrators. He said, “We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media.” He then threatened, “People might think they’re not doing anything harmful—they are, and the consequences will be visited upon them.” Finally, he said, that those using social media outside the UK to support protestors will be “hunted.”
I’ve lived through these kinds of neo-fascist witch hunts. In 2022, I was living in Canada and donated funds to the Freedom Convoy who were peacefully protesting against vaccine mandates and other COVID-related rules that hindered commerce and did no good in terms of the disease. My contributions and those of many others were illegally seized by the Canadian fascist Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and directed to unintended purposes.
The UK effort to monitor online speech, track down those who disagree with the government, and even imprison them is consistent with what’s going on in the U.S., Canada and other supposedly liberal or democratic governments. Police powers are being used to squash free speech and arrest the innocent who happen to dissent from left-wing government policies.
It’s difficult to fight back when the government controls the police, prosecutors and the judges and works hand-in-glove with Big Tech and the media. The only solution is to change the government.
That’s why neo-fascist governments in the U.S., UK and Canada are working so hard to rig elections and allow illegal immigrants to vote. If they succeed, their reign of terror will be semi-permanent, at least until society itself collapses.
In that case, the sole recourse for freedom loving citizens is to go underground as dissenters did in East Germany and the old Soviet Union during the worst days of Communist control during the Cold War. We’re getting closer to that state of affairs by the day.
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