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Communist Surveillance Is Now Being Used on Us

Every time there’s a crisis, whether it’s 9/11, the Enron/WorldCom scandals, the 2008 global financial crisis, the COVID pandemic, and now the War in Ukraine, the government uses the scare factor to seek new legislation giving the FBI, CIA and Department of Homeland Security more surveillance power.

These solutions included the USA Patriot Act (2001), which created shortcuts around the 4th Amendment, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act (2004), which created the all-powerful Director of National Intelligence, the National Counterterrorism Center and strict anti-money laundering rules, the Homeland Security Act (2002), which created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002), which imposes criminal liability on CEOs for even minor errors in accounting, the Dodd-Frank Act (2010) which gave the SEC power to conduct trials without the right to a jury, and various COVID-related laws and executive orders in 2020-2023, which mandated masks, fake vaccines, social distancing and lockdowns, all of which were worthless in stopping the spread of the disease.

All of these acts and others were justified at the time as targeting enemies and providing tools to fight terrorism, crime or disease. Those justifications were mostly lies.

There were plenty of laws on the books that enabled military officials, investigators and prosecutors to do their jobs. What these laws were about is giving government more surveillance and prosecution power, not to be used on external enemies, but to be used on internal political enemies. This has resulted in political prisoners such as the J6 defendants, and Trump aides Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. It has resulted in unnecessary pre-dawn raids by SWAT teams on unarmed individuals like Roger Stone who was frog-marched in his pajamas with CNN cameras invited along for the spectacle.

These laws also allowed collaboration between the White House and Big Tech to censor news about the Hunter Biden laptop and the cover-up of U.S. funding by Anthony Fauci for the Chinese bio-engineered virus. These powers are cumulative – they only increase and are never repealed or allowed to expire.

The latest example of abuse comes from the UK, where a COVID-era spy agency is now being used to monitor social media in connection with riots and demonstrations against crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The targets are not engaged in violence online – they’re engaged in free speech. But the government does not acknowledge the difference.

The U.S. is almost just as far gone (along with Canada, New Zealand and Australia) in terms of destroying free speech and the pursuit of political enemies. Fascism is not coming. It’s already here.

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