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Democrats Make It Clear They Are on the Side of the Terrorists

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, gave an address to a Joint Session of Congress on July 24. His purpose was to explain why Israel went to war with Hamas, how Israel is conducting that war, and Israel’s plans for an eventual end to the conflict.

One would think those facts and forecasts would be well-known to members of Congress, but that gives them too much credit. Members of Congress get their information through a haze of biased and misleading media (like the rest of us) and have to work hard to develop reliable sources and objective assessments to understand what’s going on.

Many people don’t want to hear the facts, but here they are: The war began in response to the greatest one-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. It will continue until the last Hamas terrorist is dead or enough have been killed to render Hamas impotent as a fighting and terrorist force.

That may take a few more months. Once that mission is completed, Israel will establish some type of interim government in Gaza with only limited autonomy for the people there in order to prevent the reemergence of a new Hamas.

Israel needs continued support from the U.S., in particular weapons systems including air defense and ammunition and intelligence sharing, in order to defeat Hamas. Then Netanyahu offered a blunt assessment of pro-Hamas demonstrators in the United States, especially on campuses and the streets of major cities.

He made it clear that these protestors are not humanitarians, but are simply supporters of terrorism, rape and murder. There’s room for disagreement, but it was refreshing to hear a political leader speak in such candid and honest terms. Americans are used to the platitudes and cliches of U.S. politicians and rarely get to hear such a clear summary of the situation.

By the way, it might be a stretch to call the forum a “Joint” session of Congress. Many Democrats boycotted the session, including VP Kamala Harris who was to have a prominent role as president of the Senate. Her cowardice and that of her colleagues reveals most Democrats for who they really are – supporters of terror and haters of Jews.

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