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The Deep State Will Be Well and Truly Buried by This

So many important decisions were handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the last two weeks of June and early July that it was hard to keep track.

The Supreme Court term begins on the first Monday in October and customarily runs until late June. This year, there were so many key cases that the Chief Justice extended the term until July 1 to give the court time to fit them all in.

There was the case of Trump v. United States on presidential immunity. There was Murthy v. Missouri, allowing government collusion with social media companies to censor free speech. There was Garland v. Cargill that allowed bump stocks on semi-automatic weapons – it said that such weapons were not machine guns. Then there was SEC v. Jarkesy that said the SEC cannot deny defendants the right to a jury trial when seeking fines and penalties.

Other landmark decisions were also handed down. Of all the cases decided, the most impactful from the perspective of everyday citizens, business people, and investors is likely to be Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.

In the Loper case, the U.S. Commerce Department had issued a rule that certain fishing boats had to carry a federal inspector onboard to collect data. To add insult to injury, the rule requires that the fishing company pay the salaries of the inspectors!

The fisherman sued, claiming the rule was not authorized by the congressional statute relied on by the Commerce Department. They also claimed that the required salary payments would make their fishing unprofitable.

Under a 1980s case called Chevron, the Supreme Court had decided that when statutes were ambiguous, the courts should pay deference to agency experts since they know more about the matters under consideration than citizens. This doctrine was known as “Chevron deference” and it was a powerful tool in the hands of bureaucrats.

Chevron deference is at the root of Deep State power that allows bureaucrats to ban natural gas stoves, mandate dysfunctional electric vehicles, and shut down natural gas exports among many other outrageous and dictatorial acts.

Finally, the court said, “Enough!”

The court in Loper overruled Chevron and returned the interpretation of statutes and rules to the courts where they belong. This is a huge victory for common sense and liberty. Let’s hope it’s another nail in the coffin of the Deep State.

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