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How Does $12 Trillion For No Gain Sound? That’s The Climate Change Record.

This new report contains a glimmer of hope that the climate alarm may soon be behind us and the climate cult members may finally be discredited. It describes the five phases of the “issue attention cycle” as first described in an article from the Brookings Institution in 1972.

Phase 1 is when experts start to discuss an issue, but it’s still largely unknown to the public. Phase 2 is when the issue emerges into public consciousness and the media begin to cover it heavily. Phase 3 is when ambitious goals and expectations arising from Phase 2 begin to collide with practical realities and the laws of physics.

Phase 4 is when “issue fatigue” sets in, the public begins to turn away from intense arguments and move on to other issues that are more important to them. Phase 5 is when the issue is out of the headlines entirely. Some policies may continue, but the extreme proposals fall by the wayside.

It’s important to note the author of this article. It’s Steven E. Koonin, who was a senior energy official in the Obama administration.

No one can accuse Koonin of being a right-wing rabble-rouser. His liberal credentials are just fine, but he’s also an honest scientist who sees good reason to be skeptical of the extreme claims of the climate nuts.

On the climate issue, Koonin estimates Phase 1 was in the 1980s, Phase 2 was around 1995 when the public became more aware, Phase 3 has consumed the past five years when more honest scientists and conservative voices pushed back against the climate cult.

Koonin says that Phase 4 has now begun, and Phase 5 is the future of the climate change issue. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the developed economies, mainly the U.S., have spent $12 trillion to achieve no net reduction in carbon emissions. In fact, emissions are at twice the level set as a goal by the Paris Climate Accord of 2015.

Climate cultists have burned through $12 trillion of your money to achieve nothing. That’s the real cost of cultism.

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