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Biden Bureaucrats Want to End Lightbulbs. Let’s End Biden Instead.

The list of everyday conveniences and appliances that Americans enjoy and have made life easier that Biden wants to ban or destroy keeps getting longer.

Biden’s bureaucrats have mandated washing machines that don’t get the clothes clean, and dryers that don’t dry unless you run it for two or three cycles. They want to ban natural gas stoves that home chefs love, and most restaurants completely depend on them. They want to ban brick ovens that make the best pizzas and bread.

Of course, they want to destroy the internal combustion engine (ICE) and replace vehicles that use them with electric vehicles (EVs). This is despite the fact that gasoline is the most efficient power source by weight ever discovered and EVs are not much better than glorified golf carts.

EVs can’t hold a charge in the cold and can’t take a new charge either. The batteries are made with poisonous chemicals that cannot be mined sustainably and will create disposal problems for decades to come. EV owners are finding out the hard way that the resale value of EVs is often close to zero because new owners have to spend $25,000 or more on new batteries for the used cars.

This and more are done in the name of the green new scam, which demands that we replace reliable energy sources (coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear) with unreliable and intermittent power sources such as windmills and solar panels. The entire exercise is not only deluded and in defiance of the laws of physics, but also unnecessary because there is no man-made climate crisis.

The evidence is now clear that COdoes not cause climate change – it’s the other way around. Climate change (if any) causes CO2 emissions. The real causes of climate change are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and above all, water droplets in the atmosphere – otherwise known as clouds.

Still, the Biden bandwagon on bans marches on. The latest ban is lightbulbs.

Biden has already banned incandescent lightbulbs, which throw off a comfortable, warm and useful form of light. These were replaced by LED bulbs that are functional but produce more of a “glow” than real illumination and are harder on the eyes.

Now, Biden wants to modify LEDs in ways that will almost double the cost. That may be fine for the elites, but it’s another inflationary weight on the back of everyday Americans. Instead of banning lightbulbs, we should ban Biden in the next election.

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