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The Green New Scam Is Even Worse Than We Thought

In the 1970s, a crowd of so-called scientists warned that the world was entering a new ice age. It never happened.

In the 1980s, the same pseudo-scientists warned about a “nuclear winter,” a “hole in the ozone,” and “acid rain.” Those events either never happened or were easily remedied.

Beginning in the late 1980s, the climate alarmists said the planet was burning up and the melting ice caps would flood island nations. Never happened. (By the way, I recently returned from Antarctica. The ice caps are fine, icebergs are huge, and wildlife is thriving).

In 2000, Al Gore showed a movie that featured the last polar bear clinging to the last piece of ice. Today, polar bears are so numerous that some countries are considering issuing hunting permits. And some polar bears are so well fed, they’re getting fat. Ice caps are expanding, and no nations are underwater.

The climate alarmists have been wrong for forty years and they’re wrong now. Hurricanes were the most dangerous in the 1940s. Tornadoes were the most intense in the 1970s. The weather is not getting more extreme (leaving aside the fact that “weather” and “climate” are two entirely different things). Sea levels are increasing about 7 inches per 100-years and that rate has held constant since accurate records have been kept in the 1890s, well before the widespread use of automobiles.

To be clear, climate change is real, but it arises slowly and lasts for centuries. There was a Roman Warm Period from 250 BC to 400 AD. There was a Medieval Warm Period from 950 to 1250 that enabled Vikings to build farms in Greenland. There was a Little Ice Age in Europe from about 1300 to 1850. In the 1600s, Ice Fairs were held on the Thames River because it was frozen solid.

So, climate change is real, but it has nothing to do with CO2, automobiles or the use of natural gas and coal to generate electricity. In fact, the best evidence is not that CO2 causes warming, but that warming causes the release of CO2. The alarmists have the cause and effect exactly backwards.

Now comes the ultimate irony. A new report shows that Joe Biden’s green energy agenda, what we call the Green New Scam, is causing energy prices to rise, hurting the U.S. economy and jeopardizing the baseline power needed to keep the power grid up and running. Not only is Biden not helping the environment, he’s killing the economy.

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