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After Biden Takes Your Gas Stove, He’s Coming for Your Air Conditioner.

In recent weeks, the Biden administration has finalized 37 new regulations and proposed 59 others. These rules include major policy changes such as caps on power plant emissions that will cause blackouts and brownouts and increase energy costs, as well as new EPA rules on heavy trucks designed to eliminate internal combustion engines and the oil and gas industries.

Why the rush?

Such rules can be rescinded under the Congressional Review Act within 60 days (when Congress is in session) with a simple majority vote. After that, the rules require acts of Congress with higher majorities to repeal. The Deep State is rushing the rules ahead of the deadline to make it far more difficult to repeal them if Trump wins. This is a process we have labeled Trump-proofing.

The Democrats know Trump is going to beat Biden in the presidential election on November 5. They are trying to push through as many rules as possible before Trump is sworn in next January. That way they can tie his hands while he is president.

Congress will not rescind any progressive regulations for the rest of this year because they hold a small majority in the Senate. It only takes 51 votes to rescind a regulation, but the Republicans don’t have that many. Once the 60-day clock expires (it’s actually more like four months given the crazy way Congress counts days), the threshold goes up to 60 votes in the Senate.

The Republicans won’t have that many votes in 2025 even if they take control of the Senate in the coming election. So, if the Deep State can push through these regulations now, Trump won’t be able to change them. And these rules are not mere technicalities. They affect the way you live.

Biden wants to ban natural gas stoves, the oil and gas industry, internal combustion engines in our cars so we all get useless Teslas (if you can even afford one), and so on.

We live in a world of washing machines that don’t wash, dryers that don’t dry, and toilets that won’t flush, thanks to Biden and his bureaucrats. The latest assault on common sense comes in the form of new regulations that will drive up the cost of central air conditioning units for your home from $6,000 to $12,000 or more per unit.

The regulation also requires a change in the coolant liquids to a kind that is more flammable. This will increase the chances of your house burning down. And so it goes.

The bureaucrats are running wild, guided by fake science and an ideological drive to eliminate the American way of life. The only hope is that Trump wins and finds a creative way to negate these idiotic regulations once and for all.

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