Anti-Israel Agitators Don’t Care About Palestine. They Want to Destroy the U.S.
In recent weeks, the news has offered wall-to-wall coverage of campus protests against Israel’s war on Hamas and in favor of Hamas terrorists and the Palestinians. These protests have occurred at Harvard, Columbia, Penn, George Washington University, USC, UCLA, and hundreds of other campuses.
Many have been accompanied by violence, including attacking Jewish students, blocking entrances to libraries and other facilities, breaking windows, and worse. At Columbia University, the New York Police Department used a special assault vehicle to enter a second-floor window of an occupied building after the ground floor entrances had been barricaded from the inside by the protestors.
In the days following these demonstrations, we learned that more than half the “protestors” were actually non-student professional agitators on the payroll of organizations receiving dark money from George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller foundation, and Goldman Sachs.
Defenders of the protests fall back on standard First Amendment free speech arguments. That’s fine when it comes to signs, songs and maybe tents in the quad. Even burning the American flag is protected as free speech. But once you move to threats of violence, actual violence, blocking access to facilities, spray-painting swastikas, and other insults, you are outside the protection of free speech. You are actually infringing the free speech of others.
You are not protected by the law or the Constitution. But, the story gets worse.
These demonstrations are not really pro-Palestinian. They are virulently anti-Semitic. Jews are told to “Go back to Poland.” Calls are made of a new Holocaust. These blatant anti-Jewish acts are accompanied by blatant anti-Americanism.
These agitators are not protestors – they hate America, and they hate the Jews. They are scarcely removed from the brownshirts who harassed Jews in Germany during the early days of Nazi rule. We know how that turned out.
College presidents, corporate donors, and compliant media need to stop treating this new anti-Semitism as if it were benign protest. It’s not. It’s the beginning of a new Holocaust that needs to be stopped in its tracks.
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