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The Counterrevolution Has Begun. And It Won’t Be Pretty for The Left.

Americans who consider themselves moderate or conservative have been bombarded for the past ten years with a non-stop barrage of institutional changes and demands for “rights” that break with traditions and assault common sense.

The list of radical causes is long and includes the climate change hoax, men competing in women’s sports, DEI mandates at the expense of talent and competence, drag queens grooming children with “storybook hours,” open borders, carjackings, anti-semitic demonstrations, homeless encampments, legalized use of hard drugs, vaccine and mask mandates that don’t stop the spread of COVID, lockdowns that incubate COVID and cause social skills to deteriorate, and so on.

I’m sure you could add your own insults to logic to this list. If this trend runs much further, the republic will collapse into chaos.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that a counterrevolution has begun.

New York police recently cleared an anti-semitic encampment on the Columbia University campus, secured an occupied building, and arrested hundreds of demonstrators. Similar clearing operations have been conducted at other campuses.

Google fired a group of about 50 employees who staged an anti-semitic “strike” on company property. Numerous governors have declared that men cannot compete in women’s sports despite Biden’s efforts to ram that policy through using a twisted interpretation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In the latest move, a group of 13 federal judges have signed a letter to Columbia University President Minouche Shafik saying they will no longer hire Columbia University graduates as law clerks because the school has become an “incubator of bigotry.” The letter invites other judges and law firms to do likewise.

These may be small steps individually, but they add up. Importantly, they show that reasonable people have had enough and the free ride for bizarre left-wing policies is over.

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