No Driving on the Weekends in Germany
Few countries are as obsessed with the climate cult and the Green New Scam as Germany. It’s not clear why. The propaganda about “climate change” and the “burning planet” is the same all over the world, so it’s not obvious why Germans should fall for this garbage more than other countries. But they do.
It may have to do with the fact that Germany has a coalition government in the Bundestag and has a strong Green Party. So, governments, whether Christian, Democratic, or Socialist, tend to play up to the Greens to get their support on other issues.
Angela Merkel was chancellor of Germany for 14 years. She was generally regarded as conservative, yet she shut down almost every nuclear reactor and every coal-fired electricity plant in Germany and tried to replace them with windmills and solar modules. Of course, she relied on imported Russian natural gas during this “transition” to so-called renewable sources. It all failed.
The windmills and solar modules cannot deliver the baseline power needed to maintain the power grid. The Russian natural gas was cut off when sanctions were imposed on Russia and when the U.S. and its flunkies blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. Now, German industry is moving highly-paid and high-valued added manufacturing jobs to Hungary and Romania because energy costs are too high in Germany.
The German economy is in recession, and conditions are getting worse. Are Germans getting the message the climate alarm is a fraud and so-called renewables don’t work? Apparently not.
The German transport minister has just proposed a ban on weekend driving to conserve fuel and cut emissions under Germany’s draconian decarbonization laws. Of course, the effects of that are not limited to inconvenience to drivers or passengers looking to travel on the weekend. The damage extends to hotels, restaurants, stores, and other businesses that benefit from weekend customers.
It’s one more nail in the coffin of the Germany economy. It would be one thing if the climate were an existential crisis, but it’s not even close. It’s fake science and cult-like behavior.
Actually, if you want to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the best way to do it is to plant trees, which absorb CO2 and emit oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. That’s the real green solution. Of course, that’s far too sensible for the green scammers.
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