Idiots? Neo-Fascists? You Decide
No one likes name-calling. It’s usually a sign of frustration or shows that the person calling others names is not that articulate. Still, there are times when it’s appropriate if the name is true, and there’s no better way to express yourself.
My problem with government officials today is I don’t know whether to call them idiots (based on their policy failures) or neo-fascists (based on their hidden agendas). Maybe both?
Here’s the latest example: Jennifer Granholm is the U.S. Secretary of Energy. She has a long history on the neo-fascist team, first as governor of Michigan and today as part of Joe Biden’s cabinet. As a gun control nut, she once asked rhetorically why gun owners needed armor-piercing bullets to “hunt deer.” The answer is that you don’t need armor-piercing bullets to hunt deer. You need them to pierce armor in self-defense, exactly as the Founding Fathers who wrote the Second Amendment envisioned.
Granholm has been at the forefront of pushing electric vehicles (EVs), which don’t work, as illustrated by EVs being towed away in the freezing cold last winter, massive layoffs at Tesla, and a financial meltdown at Hertz as the whiz kid CEOs bought 100,000 EVs only to find that no one wants to rent them (Hertz is now dumping the EVs and finding out that the resale value is close to zero because new batteries cost $25,000 each).
She’s also the brains behind banning natural gas stoves (which consumers and chefs love) and pushing washing machines that don’t wash and dryers that don’t dry. Her latest edict is to ban lightbulbs that can illuminate a room in favor of LED bulbs that glow but don’t illuminate much of anything.
This is all done in the name of reducing CO2 emissions. Granholm takes no notice of the fact that CO2 is a trace gas that has no impact on the climate (in fact, it’s natural factors such as solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents, and clouds that impact the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere).
CO2 is plant food. If you get rid of enough of it, plants will die, and people will starve.
So, I return to my original question. Is Jennifer Granholm just a dunce, or does she have a hidden neo-Marxist agenda to destroy the U.S. economy and redistribute wealth to the Global South? I’ll leave it to you to decide.
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