The Republican House Leader May Join the Ukraine Warmongers
To fund or not to fund? That is the question hanging over the Ukraine debate in Congress today.
The Biden White House wants $60 billion of new money to give to Ukraine to fight the war. This is on top of several hundred billion already provided.
This was proposed last summer but has stalled in the Senate and House of Representatives ever since. The House passed a separate bill to aid Israel last fall, but the Senate refused to take it up because they want to tie that aid to money for Ukraine. The Senate passed a bill that would provide aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan in one package combined with some money for phony border security. The border money would not have stopped the illegal immigrant flow. It would merely make processing illegals easier and actually encourage more of them. That bill was so unpopular it could not even make it out of the Senate.
Then the House insisted on passing regular appropriations before considering Ukraine. That process was completed on March 23, but now Congress is on a two-week Easter recess, so nothing further will happen until mid-April.
No one has even answered the most important question, which is what would Ukraine do with the money? They can’t buy badly needed 155mm artillery shells because the Western arsenals are bare, and factories are not geared to make more than a handful. It will take years to expand that manufacturing capacity. Wonder weapons from the West, such as tanks, cruise missiles, armored personnel carriers, HIMARS precision-guided artillery, and anti-missile batteries, have all been destroyed, disabled, or shot down by Russia.
Ukraine is losing the war badly. Russia is advancing on the Southern and Eastern fronts in Ukraine. Still, the pressure on House Speaker Michael Johnson to do something remains.
The Republican warmongers in the Senate, like Lindsey Graham and Joni Ernst, won’t let up. Many Republicans in the House, such as Chip Roy and Marjorie Taylor Greene are opposed to Johnson on this.
Incredibly, Johnson may respond to the pressure with a solution worse than an outright appropriation. He may get behind efforts to steal $300 billion in Russian central bank assets held in the form of U.S. Treasury securities. That would destroy confidence in the U.S. dollar, U.S. Treasury securities and the U.S. rule of law. Russia would quickly recover the loss by seizing $300 billion or more of Western assets still in Russia.
No one in Congress seems to understand any of this. They’ll find out the hard way when U.S. interest rates soar, and the dollar collapses against hard assets such as gold.
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