What’s Wrong with Loving Your Country? Elites Say “No” To Nationalism
I never saw anything wrong with the slogan “America First,” and I still don’t. If you’re an American and you love America, why wouldn’t you want to see America first?
And I don’t hold it against any other country or population that feels the same way. I would expect Germans to say, “Germany First,” and Italians to say, “Italy First,” and for Russians to say, “Russia First.”
Wanting to see your country be the best is natural. It does not mean you cannot respect other countries (I’ve traveled to over 80 countries on all seven continents, and I’ve learned an enormous amount and made good friends in the process). It does not mean that countries have to be adversaries or engage in wars. Some do, but warfare is destructive and often does little if anything to advance national interests.
All of this makes sense to me. But not to the global elites. They have an agenda.
The agenda is that nations should be eliminated in favor of global governance that goes by the name New World Order. This requires eliminating national borders and promoting mass illegal immigration to erase national cultures and customs.
You can see this part of the agenda at work daily on the U.S.-Mexican “border,” which today is no border at all. You also see the elite program at work in pandemic lies and the climate cult where countries are being pushed into one-size-fits-all strait jackets that promote Big Pharma, the Green New Scam, and global as opposed to national solutions.
There’s no better outlet for this misguided globalist view than The Economist. They have a new cover story that warns of the “growing peril of national conservatism.”
The Economist is spooked by the rise of nationalist and conservative movements in a number of important countries. They should be. That rise is healthy and is a direct threat to their elite brand of globalism.
Ironically, they mentioned America, Hungary, Italy, France, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland as countries where the new nationalists had either won elections or were making major gains. That’s quite a list!
It includes four of the G-7 countries, the three largest economies in the EU and four of the eight largest economies in the world. With those names on the list, one would think The Economist might take a deep breath and ask, “What am I missing? Maybe something valuable is going on here.”
Of course, The Economist is not self-aware enough to do that. Instead, they jump into the same old name-calling and reflexive disdain for anything at odds with the globalist agenda. That’s fine.
The Economist will keep driving itself into irrelevance while the world rediscovers the benefits of loving your own country while respecting and getting along with others who love their countries too.
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