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BLM Was a Con Job from Start to Finish. Here’s The Proof.

Remember BLM? That stands for Black Lives Matter, although I called the group Bolshevik Lives Matter in order to highlight its neo-Marxist and anti-American roots.

BLM has been around for years, but it exploded into public view in connection with the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020. BLM used lies, propaganda, and white guilt to extract hundreds of millions of dollars from major companies like Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola, Disney and many others. That’s a lot of money.

The donors thought it was all for a good cause (or maybe they just did it to get some good publicity at the time). What happened to all of that money?

Very little was distributed to local BLM affiliates in places like Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. We know that several million dollars was used to buy multiple mansions in expensive communities for the co-founders. Now we learn that most of the money BLM spent in 2023 went to “consulting fees” to the treasurer of BLM.

In other words, the donations to BLM were recycled into personal fees and benefits for the officials of BLM while almost nothing went to actual communities in need. BLM was always a political and ideological scam. Now we know that it was a financial scam as well.

While BLM was burning down other peoples’ property, they were busy buying luxury properties for themselves. Groups like this deserve zero support. Hopefully, the cowardly U.S. corporate CEOs are beginning to wake up to this fact.

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