FBI Deletes Records of Its Anti-Catholic Surveillance
We informed readers several months ago that the FBI had been conducting surveillance of Catholics as part of their campaign against so-called “domestic terrorists.”
Of course, many other groups and individuals were subject to the same type of surveillance because they peacefully demonstrated on January 6, purchased guns and ammo, gave campaign contributions to conservative candidates, or did other perfectly legal things protected by the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments among other legal rights. But singling out Catholics seemed over the top, considering that the Catholic Church has been around for over 2,000 years and is the oldest institution on the face of the planet Earth.
There was a bit more to the FBI’s interest. It seems they were troubled by Catholics who attended the Tridentine Mass (done in Latin with the priest facing the sanctuary instead of the pews).
The Tridentine Mass was approved by the Church in 1570 and is still approved. I’ve attended Tridentine Masses (and masses in numerous languages all around the world), so maybe I’m on the FBI watch list.
When I was growing up, the FBI was considered an elite, intelligent, and well-trained investigatory agency that tracked down the most dangerous criminals and detected hostile foreign spies. There was a time when FBI special agents not only needed police training but were required to have law degrees. They were the best of the best. That’s all gone.
Today, they are just foot soldiers in the Biden campaign (at best) and goon squads squashing our constitutional rights (at worst). Someone at the FBI must realize how badly they’ve blundered because the agency actually deleted their records on the anti-Catholic investigations.
Putting conservative Catholics under surveillance with no probable cause reveals not only the anti-constitutional bias of the FBI but also their profound ignorance of the Catholic religion and its role in history.
If Trump is elected, it won’t be enough to remove the top leadership. The FBI is rotten from top to bottom and needs to be cleaned out or perhaps shut down entirely and replaced with a new agency with real ethics and a commitment to liberty. Let’s hope it’s not too late.
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