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National Science Foundation Spends Millions on Censorship

Censorship pushed by the White House was not limited to the social media companies and U.S. government agencies directly involved with healthcare. The National Science Foundation (NSF), which is supposed to be a non-partisan supporter of pure research in hard sciences, spent millions of dollars to promote AI research by the University of Michigan, MIT, and the University of Wisconsin to identify reporting that the White House wanted to suppress.

The NSF’s view, certainly correct, was that AI could engage in censorship “faster and at a much greater scale than human beings.”

Biden frequently uses the expression “all of government” to describe a policy initiative. What this means is that new rules and regulations are not limited to the specific agency with direct jurisdiction over the policy in question. Every department, commission or agency is supposed to scour its resources to help the initiative in some way if they can.

We already knew that censorship efforts were coming from the FBI, CIA, Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, Dr. Anthony Fauci and many others with some direct role in covering up the truth about COVID. These agencies and individuals were all involved in lying about the source of the virus (the Chinese government lab in Wuhan), the efficacy of the vaccines (they don’t work) and the use of masks (they don’t work either). They enlisted Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others in their censorship efforts.

But the campaign didn’t stop there. The National Science Foundation is not an agency one would necessarily have expected to find in the censorship business. But they were. If Biden believes that the “all of government” approach is the way to get things done, then our response is simple. Distrust all of government.

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