An Open Letter from the Losers
This open letter is a little different from the articles we usually select for inclusion in our Five Links publication. On the one hand, it was published and is widely available on the internet and was commented upon in several news articles. On the other hand, it’s not exactly a news article itself, as mentioned, it’s an open letter.
These are common when some group has a cause they wish to espouse or a political point they want to score. A networked group selects one person to draft an open letter, they pass it around for comment, create a final version and then everyone adds their signature to it (done digitally) displayed as a list of names.
What’s different about this letter is that everyone who signed it is a loser – literally. It’s a list of officials from the George H. W. Bush administration and the John McCain and Mitt Romney campaigns of 2008 and 2012.
Bush did not lose his reelection in 2004, but he did drag the U.S. into a disastrous seven-year war in Iraq (2003-2010) and for that matter, U.S. troops are still in Iraq and Syria.
John McCain lost a winnable election against Obama in 2008, and Mitt Romney lost another winnable election against Obama in 2012. When you throw in the likes of Dick Cheyney and Liz Cheyney (who did not sign the letter but did endorse Kamala Harris), you have a gallery of Trump-hating warmongers who call themselves Republicans but are really Republicans in name only (RINOs).
The letter claims that “democratic movements will be irreparably jeopardized” by Trump even as the Democrats trash democracy with censorship, electoral fraud and politicized prosecutions common in dictatorships. They take pride in the fact that “it was moderate Republicans and conservative independents … that ultimately delivered the presidency to Joe Biden.”
Of course, that ignores the fact that Biden is a mentally incompetent crook who sold out U.S. national security for millions in bribes from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and elsewhere handled by his bagman son Hunter. It also ignores the fact that during the four years of Trump’s first term there were no new wars.
You can read the letter and judge for yourself. What I found most interesting is the list of over 200 signatories. These losers are generally not at the Cabinet or Director level. They are mostly mid-level staffers, campaign officials, and think-tank denizens. I know some of them; you may too.
Save the list. If these people turn up in a new Trump administration (which I doubt), you’ll know Trump has lost his way.
The letter also stands for the fact that the swamp is bipartisan. There are Democratic swamp creatures galore. This list is a handy guide to the Republican swamp creatures who are still crawling around.
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